About Us

The Keeping Kids in Mind (KKIM) Program

The KKIM suite of services offers support for separated families (with children any age) experiencing conflict and/or complex needs.

Complex needs may include conflict, violence and other significant concerns such as addictions.

KKIM endeavours to offer a wide range of services that fosters psychological and social well being, and builds resilience in children and their families following separation.

The KKIM Group:
A five week
course for separated parents
The KKIM Case Management Service:
a support, information and referral service
an informative DVD about parenting after separation

Find out more about our KKIM Services



KKIM Program is operated by a consortium of Catholic Social Services Agencies (CSSA) .

CatholicCare Sydney, CatholicCare Parramatta, CatholicCare Wollongong Centacare Broken Bay

Find out about the HISTORY of KKIM