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Keeping Kids in Mind Group is a 5 week course for separated parents who are experiencing on-going conflict.
The course is designed to assist parents to see through their children’s eyes the experience of parental separation and develop greater understanding about how to support children following family separation. These sessions are facilitated by qualified and experienced educators and counsellors.

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Relationship breakdown is often a painful experience resulting in wide-ranging effects on parents, children and extended family.
The KKIM Case Management Service offers individuals and families experiencing conflict or complex issues after separation, with a comprehensive assessment, support, information and referral service.
Our KKIM Case Managers are highly skilled professionals who will explore your needs with you and provide you with support, information and a thorough referral to an appropriate service. We’ll walk along side you during this difficult time, helping you to find the resources you need to get back up on your feet.

To find your nearest KKIM Case Manager

Divorce and separation can be such a confusing time. It’s normal for parents to not know how to respond to the many feelings they are experiencing.The KKIM DVDtakes separated parents on a journey into the lives of children of different ages and their experience of separation.It provides some helpful ideas for ways to respond to the other parent while providing the viewer with some positive ideas on how to manage some of the challenges of separation.

To purchase a copy of the KKIM DVD CLICK HERE